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Automation of the lighting factory production by acquiring new technology

Name of the project: Automation of the lighting factory production by acquiring new technology

Brief description of the project: On November 5, 2021. the company Dekor tvornica rasvjete d.o.o. signed with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Croatian Agency for Small Economy, Innovations and Investments, the Agreement on the allocation of grants for the purpose of implementing the project entitled Automation of lighting factory production by purchasing new technology, contract reference number KK. The implementation of the project was co-financed through the Recovery Aid for Cohesion and European Areas instrument “REACT-EU”.

Dekor tvornica rasvjete d.o.o. is engaged in the production of all types of lighting fixtures for equipping buildings, streets, squares and parks. By implementing this project, the company will build a new production area and acquire new machines and equipment with which to automate production. The aforementioned investment will contribute to the fulfillment of the company’s business goals: growth in competitiveness, growth in sales and export revenue, increase in productivity and production efficiency, increase in the number of employees and increase in employee efficiency. The target groups of the project are company employees and end customers in Croatia, Slovenia and Austria.

Project goals: The implementation of the project will increase the physical capacity of production, improve the energy and resource efficiency of production, and improve the knowledge of employees. This supports the sustainable development of production, strengthens the company’s ability to compete on international markets and improves the key elements that ensure a positive business climate. Through the investment, the company will provide new products on the markets of lighting and heating devices for which there are already agreed customers on foreign and domestic markets. The decor of the lighting factory will provide adequate space and equipment of the highest technological level, which enables a faster and better production process and the production of new types of products.

Expected results of the project:

  • Growth of competitiveness
  • Growth in revenue from sales and exports
  • Increasing productivity and production efficiency
  • Growth in the number of employees
  • Increasing employee efficiency

Total value of the project: €2,890,254.34

EU co-financing of the project: €995,421.06

Project implementation period: 13.11.2021. until 31.12.2023.

Contact person for more information: Nevenka Varjačić, e-mail:, phone: + 385 98 164 0601

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The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the company Dekor tvornica rasvjete d.o.o.